tomcat manager 404

Hi I just installed Tomcat and and am trying to get it up and running however whenever I try to navigate to manager/html it gives me this error "The requested resource (/manager ...

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  • Hi I just installed Tomcat and and am trying to get it up and running however whenever I t...
    Tomcat manager/html is not available? - Stack Overflow
  • HTTP Status 404 - /manager/html type Status report message /manager/html description The r...
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  • Apache Tomcat 7 Version 7.0.76, Mar 9 2017 Links Docs Home FAQ User Comments User Guide 1)...
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  • Apache Tomcat 6.0 Manager App HOW-TO Table of Contents Introduction Configuring Manager Ap...
    Apache Tomcat 6.0 (6.0.51) - Manager App HOW-TO
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  • How to get the tomcat manager application up and running on tomcat 5.5, 6.0, and 7.0. Blog...
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  • Tomcat6 Manager Webapp returns a 404 up vote 2 down vote favorite http://localhost:8080/ma...
    10.10 - Tomcat6 Manager Webapp returns a 404 - Ask Ubuntu
  • 注意是Tomcat7! 出现这个问题后我查看了webapps\manager\WEB-INF\web.xml,发现里面rolename的配置和老版本有变化导...
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  • 2010年8月20日 - You have to check if you have the folder with name manager inside the folder...
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  • 2016年4月6日 - After much debugging, I found the real cause was the ManagerServlet was faili...
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  • 2015年6月1日 - Switch to using the Tomcat installation and it should work (the manager appli...
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  • 2013年12月18日 - The 404 or Not Found error message is a response code indicating that the ....
    tomcat7 - I cannot access tomcat admin console? - Stack Overflow
  • 2016年4月29日 - The problem happened because I was running the Tomcat from the Eclipse. I st...
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  • 2012年2月24日 - I had the same situation wherein tomcat manager did not start. I found this ...
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  • 2013年11月28日 - For example, to add the manager-gui role to a user named tomcat with a pass...
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  • 2017年8月10日 - To add an instance of the Manager web application Context to a new ..... in ...
    Apache Tomcat 8 (8.0.46) - Manager App HOW-TO
  • 2009年5月6日 - You'll get a 404. TomcatDocsUndeployed. Go back to the Tomcat Manager, cl...
    Tomcat Management: Setting up the Tomcat Manager Application ...
  • Hi Everybody, I am using Tomcat 5.5.When I Clicked Tomcat Manager in Tomcat's homepage...
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